We all want our animals to be healthy and happy, we do as much as we can in our day to day lives to maintain that, animal behavior is a significant factor in determining an animal’s health. Normal healthy animal behavior includes an animal who stays within their group (if they live within a group) with eyes that are bright with a moist nose without discharge, no wounds, and is eating normally. Some animals are very good at hiding when they are feeling under the weather but we can look out for signs such as them being irritable, listless, lame, have a temperature are away from the group on their own not eating or drinking etc..... Several factors can play a part in an animal’s health. Some of these include what they are fed are they getting enough vitamins and minerals and where their feed maybe stored, water quality, pasture condition, types of plants the animal has access too and even weather conditions. Vitamins and mineral supplements whether they be from herbs, seeds or artificial may help improve the efficiency of energy utilization and can be of great benefit to animals.
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